Shikshan Prasarak Mandal

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Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal
Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal works for the development of students from the rural areas. SRSPM was established in 1995 it has been striving for social transformation by providing quality education to the students from the rural areas. Students from the rural areas have immense talent and potential but they should not lag behind only because of lack of proper guidance. Good educational opportunities and conducive environment. Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal aims to bring every child from the marginalised class to the maintream by germinating the interest of the students regarding education.
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There is a Marathi proverb in rural area i.e. chul and mul which means a woman only jurisdction is her kichen Girl always receive a subsidiary treatment and she is always malnourished. In rural area girl is always found in fetters she is not allowed to move away from home. she does not receive education, in the financially weaker families. child marriage has become a major issue. Special Initiative are goining to be taken for the emancipation of girls through Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Their parents will be oriented. It is the education which provides esteem,self reliance to the girls in society. -Free and quality education to girls -to enhance girls participation in various fields -to enhance girl’s participation in cultural programmers -Free enrollment in vocational courses To start a value education in every school To open councelling centres for the adolescence girls. To organise hemoglobin check up camps for the adolescence girls. Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal is always ready for the multidimensional develomnent of girls.
We have to pay heavy price for emancipating from the polluted air and for that we have to take many initiatives. Deforestation,pollution have been affecting the infants as well the people of all age groups. There is no balance in the nature now, as a result of it we witness sometimes floods as well as the draughts. It also causes the soil erosion.marathwada is always affected by the natural disasters. The polluted air because of the industrialisation has been showing its effect in marathwada region. There is a possibility that this region will turn into a desert in future. Through Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Many green initiatives like tree plantation will be taken for environment conservation. Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal will not stop just by planting but it will also take care of the plants Large scale plantation. in the hilly area of marathwada is the aim of S.R.S.P.M. we will not stop untill we achieve our aim i.e. pure air.
Eyes are one of the important human organs. There are many things like cellphone and television which affect our eyes. The school children are badly affected by it seems they are also addicted to it. But they are not aware of its affect. there are more than 1 billion people in India and 83% out of it can get their eye light back . The blind as well as the student they loose everything. Even the breadwinner of the family may loose his job and student will deprieve of education because of the eyesight. Blind person requires a care taker We are going to organise Eye check up champs through SRSPM in the rural schools of Jalna district. Our team will organise the eye check up camp in the school itself. Those who have severe problems regarding eyes light will be provided proper treatment. S.R.S.P.M. endeavours for the blind free India.
Success Stories

Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal was established in 1997 in a rural area like Ghansawangi. Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Shahagad Tq. Ambad District Jalna had established Sant Ramdas College, the first higher education institution in Ghansawangi taluka, in village Ghansawangi. Due to the establishment of this college, boys from poor families like me have got an opportunity to get education. Households where it was not financially possible to get secondary education. During such time I got an opportunity to pursue higher education in Sant Ramdas College established at Ghansawangi on behalf of Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal. When I did B.A in this college. At the time of admission in the first year, I got a new knowledge path about my future. I did BA degree in the same, Sant Ramdas College, followed by post-graduation and then after joining the same college on clock on basis, I got an opportunity to do Ph. D. in Geography. Later in this college I was given an opportunity to serve as a professor on behalf of this institution. I am currently trying to make the best of the opportunity that has been given to me. The work of Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Shikshan Sanstha has become a beacon of my future like a banyan tree. Today, many poor students like me from ordinary families in Ghansawangi taluka got the opportunity to become professors due to the establishment of Sant Ramdas College. All this has been a great blessing to me and my family. It is because of this educational institution that our family is respected in the society. Because of this, I will never forget the philanthropy of the Swami Ramanand Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Educational Institution. The educational, social awareness and social awareness movement started in the college started in the name of Sant Ramdas Swami will continue to progress progressively in the future. We will keep trying for this. I express my gratitude to the management of the institute for all these educational activities. I am very much indebted to them.

I born in the agrarian family. We belong to the agriculture, So there is no education atmosphere in our family. So I and my family is always anxious about higher education Besides education. I was interested in acting and dream of acting as a career. my dream of acting was materialized when I enrolled in Sant Ramdas college which is run by SRSPM I the institute provide quality education to a girl who belong to a peasant community. I also realized my most cherished dream i.e. acting there. I got many opportunities of acting through the cultural programmes. I also received a through guidance and support from the college. It is because of the college that I achieved a great height in my career. I am really debted to the institute.

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